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Help with Timezone Issues?

Started by Painty, September 08, 2017, 08:52:02 PM

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So, uh, not sure if this is a problem for anyone else, but I wish there was a way to change your clock's timezone and/or see other user's timezones. There are times where I go to the shoutbox and want to know when the previous posts were posted to make sure it was recent enough to reply to them. I also want to find times when more users are online. But because I live in a different time zone, I've been having trouble with this. So if there's anything you could do about it, I'd really appreciate it. I also want to thank you guys for making this thread, and for willing to help us with our issues.


Last I've heard, Shoutbox was using the EST (EASTERN STANDARD TIME [North America and Caribbean]) zone :unsure:

But yeah, that could be a handful if its possible :smile2:


Go to "Profile" > "Look and Layout".
Change "Time Offset" to match your timezone. Current forum time is set to UTC-05:00 (America/New_York).

So, for example if you use UTC+01:00 (Europe/Madrid), put 6 on there.
Or if you use UTC-08:00 (America/Los_Angeles) put -3 on there.


Oh wow, thanks so much! I... actually never noticed that setting before.


Quote from: Painty on September 10, 2017, 03:33:01 AM
Oh wow, thanks so much! I... actually never noticed that setting before.
Yeah there's a LOT of little bitty settings in your account that you can change, which is cool and all, but even I haven't gotten around to fiddling with all of mine, heh.