Hi folks! You can call me by my pen name "Non Mañana". This is what it means,
Non = Not
Mañana = Spanish word which means "Tomorrow" or "An unspecified future time"
(Simply put, my name means someone who doesn't put off doing stuff that should be done now.)
My main reason for joining is because there's a little something I want to share with fellow Klonoa fans—I had a dream (literally) one night several months ago. Here's how the dream went,
I was walking down the street when I saw this small store. Out of curiosity, I went to see what's inside. Then, I saw that all it had was a pitiful display of a small variety of items hanging on the walls. As I continued to look around; I saw this small, black, rectangular box. I took it from the wall, and saw that it had a design of what looked like a green flame. Then, on top of that design, something was written on it in white, Arial font—Klonoa 3: Call of the Wind. Then, I woke up.
Not really sure if dreams like this one mean anything, but the title has a nice ring to it. Since then, I decided that I was going to write a story—or more specifically, a novel—around it, which I want to share with fellow Klonoa fans! So far, I've written only a Prologue and the first chapter. But, I'm determined to carry on writing until it's complete.
I posted it on Wattpad. Here's the link:
https://www.wattpad.com/story/189967481-klonoa-1%2B2-call-of-the-windRather than Klonoa 3, I named it, "Klonoa 1+2: Call of the Wind" for two reaons,
First, I don't own Namco; so I can't really make a Klonoa 3.
Second... well, you'll know as you read it
Please, please, PLEASE take some time to read it and PLEASE let me know what you guys think! I'm open to comments, suggestions, and constructive criticisms