I speak two languages at the moment. Yes, I am planning to learn more; Italian would be useful for my interests.
My native tongue is Polish, as you may already know. I'm writing in my second language, obviously. I had German classes throughout my middle school and high school, but it has never really stick to me. I just don't find that language appealing, sadly. Though, my uncle has a PhD in German philology.
There's one funny thing English and Polish language teachers have in common. As you were taught in school that you should never start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction, my teachers taught me the same in Polish. And you know what? It's not true. Every time I wanted to put an emphasis on a rhetorical question when writing something for school using a coordinating conjunction, the old hag that was my teacher in middle school would take away points for that.
I had English classes throughout my entire public education, and they were utter garbage. I am mainly self-taught. Back in my high school days I used to sleep through all the English classes. They were so boring. From time to time when I wasn't sleeping I even spotted some ridiculous translation mistakes in my school textbooks, and consulted my teacher about them. Can you bloody imagine that?