Hello forum, today I bring you interesting news about the future of Klonoa Encore.
Recently Mojipittan Encore was just released in Japan (April 2nd). The last few questions of the game's online survey ask users if they know about Katamari Damacy Encore (Katamari Damacy Reroll), Mr. Driller Encore (Mr. Driller DrillLand), and what other games you'd like to see get the "encore" treatment.
I will guide you on how to properly participate in this survey, and although
@mushroom32x already made a guide about it, I decided to do an in-depth version of her guide (with her permission) to further facilitate the completion of said survey.
Let's begin:Step 1: Register a Bandai Namco ID, a Bandai Namco account ID account is mandatory for taking the survey.
Step 2: Once you have registered and logged in,
go to the survey page and
change the page's language from English to Japanese to make the Mojipittan puzzle Encore survey appear.Step 3: Take the survey, since the survey will be in Japanese it is recommended that you use google chrome so that you can automatically translate the page from Japanese to English.
Note: During the survey there are some mandatory open questions that you need to answer, it is recommended that you answer those questions with
short Japanese answers only, use google translate.
Step 4: Once you reach the final question (36: Please tell us if you have any games other than "Katamari" and "Mojitan" "Mr. Driller" that you want to be released as an encore) answer using either "風のクロノア" or "クロノア" once you done that
Press the right yellow button.
Step 5: Once that, there should one final page with all of the details. Go to the bottom and press the final yellow button and you should be done!
That's it! Again, a big thanks to Overmoon for providing the original guide.
The survey will last from
April 2nd, 2020 to
July 1st, 2020 23:59 (Japan time), good luck !