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Bullet: Soul Bounded

Started by HTG&M, November 30, 2020, 01:01:03 PM

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Quote from: HylianBran on March 02, 2021, 03:12:53 PM
So basically... it's a video game.

it's an RPGMakerMV game. so yes it is indeed a video game that I'm making sure has time and care put into it, especially with its story.
trying to work on Klonoa projects like:
bullet: soul bounded

if you want feel free to message me about things. im almost always available to talk
Discord: huntertron#5028

Caesar Matsuda

Hi! I'm new here, I have just created an account tonight just to talk with you. I'm very interested in helping with this project. I have experience using RPG Maker MV and I played your demo. There are some things I wanted to talk with you about it, some things I made and wanted to show you (I have made RPG stats for 8 characterers on excel and other stuff) and some ideias I think you'd like to hear (an elemental magic system for the game, where characteres have elemental affinities, like Klonoa of the Wind, Guntz of the Fire - Because of Shinigami Fire from Klonoa Heroes, Leorina of the Darkness - or Cursed Leorina - etc). Do you use discord or any other app or site where we could talk faster?


Quote from: Caesar Matsuda on March 13, 2021, 08:28:02 PM
Hi! I'm new here, I have just created an account tonight just to talk with you. I'm very interested in helping with this project. I have experience using RPG Maker MV and I played your demo. There are some things I wanted to talk with you about it, some things I made and wanted to show you (I have made RPG stats for 8 characterers on excel and other stuff) and some ideias I think you'd like to hear (an elemental magic system for the game, where characteres have elemental affinities, like Klonoa of the Wind, Guntz of the Fire - Because of Shinigami Fire from Klonoa Heroes, Leorina of the Darkness - or Cursed Leorina - etc). Do you use discord or any other app or site where we could talk faster?
yes I do indeed have a discord account. the username for it is in my signature. if you still can't find it then it's "huntertron#5028". I'm very interested to see what you want to talk about the project.
trying to work on Klonoa projects like:
bullet: soul bounded

if you want feel free to message me about things. im almost always available to talk
Discord: huntertron#5028

Caesar Matsuda

Hi! I've just sent you a friendship request on discord. I use another name there, so don't find it weird  ;D. When you accept it, I will send you a text explaining my ideas and parts of the excel I did.


Bullet: Soul Bounded - monthly update 4/1/2021

hello! It's that time again to give a progress update on the game!

New member:
I would like to welcome Isaac Sousam to team bullet! he will be helping us work on the databases and maps of the game. in fact, he is already helping us by updating the maps in lunatea to better represent the area.

Updating lunatea's maps and starting work on Phantomile's maps:
as stated before we have started updating the maps to lunatea. for example, the village area is updated a lot since the teaser demo!

these are still being worked on, but progress is still being made as you can see from these examples.

trying to find time to work on Phantomile's part of the story:
I'm still working on the script of the story, but I'm having trouble finding time to work on the script due to other projects I'm in rather if it's my own personal projects or work in other people's projects. even though I have already started writing for the Phantomile part of the story I'm still trying to find time to write, finish, and finalize that part of the script.

posting the old tracks that are remastered and still in the game:
for people that may not know this game has been through development heck and back. so in other words there were many names this project had like "project dream", "Klonoa and the 7 Travellers", and one that is well known "Bullet: Shots Fired". during the time when the game was still called "Bullet: Shots fired" there were some good tracks that aged really well that I want to remaster or remaster again and upload them to the OST. you might have already seen an example with "the big surprise" remaster I put on YT (Check the Bullet: Soul Bounded OST thread in Fan music). this was one of those old tracks that aged really well that deserved to be in the game still so I cleaned it up and replaced some instruments and exported it in higher quality. I plan to do this for a few more tracks like "This is it" and "a tattle's tail" which you might have heard the last one in the teaser demo in its old form.

hopefully, you have enjoyed this monthly update. I know things are still going slow, but I assure you that we are hard at work working on this project. always remember to keep dreaming and dream on!

for anyone who has questions about the project people can talk away here and ill try to get to you as soon as I can. for people who like to talk to me privately about joining the team as a member/volunteer or just want to ask some questions in private rather here publicly you are welcome to do so via DM/PM
trying to work on Klonoa projects like:
bullet: soul bounded

if you want feel free to message me about things. im almost always available to talk
Discord: huntertron#5028


That's fake. It's an April Fools joke.

crazy crazy graveyard theory
ghost tried to approach me
got leery


Quote from: HylianBran on April 01, 2021, 08:31:37 PM
That's fake. It's an April Fools joke.
false. I don't like doing jokes/pranks during April fools, but I love to do puns during this day cause its sometimes fun to be an ape in Aperil  ;)

trying to work on Klonoa projects like:
bullet: soul bounded

if you want feel free to message me about things. im almost always available to talk
Discord: huntertron#5028


Quote from: HTG&M on April 01, 2021, 09:49:37 PM
false. I don't like doing jokes/pranks during April fools, but I love to do puns during this day cause its sometimes fun to be an ape in Aperil  ;)

No, really?  :bad_straight_face:

crazy crazy graveyard theory
ghost tried to approach me
got leery


Bullet: Soul Bounded - monthly update 5/1/2021

once again its time to talk about current progress on "Bullet: Soul Bounded"


it's still going slow mostly due to most of us working on other projects, but were still hard at work trying our best to work on the project.


Balue's theme has now been added to YT for all to listen to. if you want the full list of the OST then go here:

sorry if it's a small update this month. we will try our best to bring more news next month with big changes. I also plan on uploading more of the OST to YT soon so keep an eye out on that. as for now, anyone who has questions about the project people can talk away here and ill try to get to you as soon as I can. for people who like to talk to me privately about joining the team as a member/volunteer or just want to ask some questions in private rather here publicly you are welcome to do so via DM/PM
trying to work on Klonoa projects like:
bullet: soul bounded

if you want feel free to message me about things. im almost always available to talk
Discord: huntertron#5028


Bullet: Soul Bounded - monthly update 6/2/2021

sorry for being slightly late. been busy with a lot of projects as of recent


still going slow, but I'm gonna start learning more coding to try to add in some new features that I want to be in the game that betters the user experience. like diagonal movement and such like that.


I am still trying to get some more of the tracks ready to upload to YT soon. if they get done by the month's end is up for debate, but hopefully, I should have a special track featuring a boss in the game soon.

pause menu progress update:

id like to show of progress of the pause menu. we are slightly redoing some of the designs and making them slightly better. here is a tease of what is currently done by sonamyalex

as you can see there is still some more room for improvement, but its getting close to get the pause menu into a dev build.

Cutscene direction:

me and the team have been debating a tiny bit about what kind of cutscenes we want in the game. so far we came up with one solution, but we're gonna run a test using the first story bit of the game. basically, we want to go with an anime-like art style for the cutscene images. we don't have anything to show for at the moment, but a few select servers on discord will receive an example image to gather feedback on the art direction.

I'm sorry for another small update for this month, but we're taking our time and patience with this and want to give a bullet the best experience he can.  for people who like to talk to me privately about joining the team as a member/volunteer or just want to ask some questions in private rather here publicly you are welcome to do so via DM/PM
trying to work on Klonoa projects like:
bullet: soul bounded

if you want feel free to message me about things. im almost always available to talk
Discord: huntertron#5028