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G5 My Little Pony: A New Generation

Started by Thorp, October 11, 2021, 11:36:29 PM

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A general statement for those people who have not seen the G5 My Little Pony: A New Generation film and are willing to try or continue with the My Little Pony franchise: the opening G5 movie was good though I do not expect to watch it again. There's definitely a different energy in the animations and the character interactions that is a real breath of fresh air. The movie really gets set to a great start in energy and presentation with the song after the opening sequence. If you plan on watching the film don't watch this video link because the song really binds with the opening; if you're on the edge of watching or interested I suggest checking out the opening song link and reconsider.

I don't expect to have the same connection as I did with the G4 characters.
I do feel that G5, from the movie at least, has the friendship and inclusiveness that I appreciated from the G4 series.
I don't expect to stick around and watch the episodes but for the time being I am a little excited in that it could be fun. I think I've had my fill from G4 but idk, the movie was wholesome.
Though the movie was good, I feel that it did lack in the sense of danger or suspense even for a kids movie.