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¡Hola, gente!

Started by YukarinUniversalTraveler, December 22, 2021, 06:40:05 PM

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"Hello, people!" (That's what it says on the title.)

I'm Yukarin (pronounced "YOU-car-in"), a new fan of Klonoa! :D
Well, I already introduced myself, or so I thought, but it looks like I ended up doing it on someone else's post. So, to fix that mistake, I made a brand new thread. Hi.

Well, the story of how I came to know Klonoa is very bizarre, but long story short, I first saw "Klonoa" when I was 9 years old. It wasn't the original Klonoa, but a recoloured version of him. We're talking about 2010; remember when there was this BIG trend about "making Sonic fan characters" by re-coloring any of the original characters? Well, what I saw was a fan character based on Klonoa. :bad_straight_face:
A few years later, I learned that "Klonoa" was a character from a videogame, and that he originally was this strange-looking cat-rabbit with black fur and a Pac-Man hat. I felt so dumb, but hey, we have all felt that way at least once in our lives, right? :embarassed:
So, very recently (you could even blame the quarantine), I got a nice PS1 emulator and thought "Oh I should try playin' the Klonoa game", and, well, stuff escalated and now here I am, all hyped about Klonoa, learning more about the series every day, and really glad I discovered this jewel. :big_smile:

Oh, but I should talk about myself, right?
I am an artist, I draw fan art, both traditionally and digitally, and I also draw my original characters. I am a native Spanish speaker, but I can read and understand English almost perfectly; and I'm also learning Japanese. I'm a girl, and have a boyfriend. I like music, visual arts, and learning new stuff. I like Klonoa (obviously); and also like NiGHTS, Magical Drop, Earthbound, and Len'en Project. All of them are very good series with huge potential, but aren't as famous as they deserve to be (well, except from Earthbound).

Here's my social media! :D

[color=purple][b][url=]My Instagram.[/url][/b] This is where I'm the most active. I mostly post my traditional drawings, but I also post my digital art in there.
[b][url=]My DeviantArt gallery.[/url][/b] Here I post my digital art only. This account has existed for a veeeeeeery loooong time, so you will see how the quality of my artworks decreases as you scroll down. :embarassed:
[b][url=]My Facebook page.[/url][/b] Here I post both digital and traditional art, and also previews for speedpaints I make.
[b][url=]My YouTube channel.[/url][/b] Here's where I post said speedpaints. However, I am not very active there, because I only can make one or two speedpaints a month because I'm a very busy girl.
[b][url=]My Pixiv.[/url][/b] I made this account very recently, so there isn't much to see yet, but I'm planning to use it to post more digital art, and flex my scarse Japanese skills.

Hoo, that's a lot of links! :lookinleft: However, keep in mind that since I speak Spanish, that's the language I write almost all of my posts. Buuuut it shouldn't be a problem, since you're only gonna look at my art, right? ;)[/color]
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Well, people, I hope that I can get along with all of you, and enjoy Klonoa as much as y'all do! ;D


Hey there and welcome to the collective!


Hola and welcome to the Collective :smile2:

A new fan is always nice to see here every once in a while :big_smile:

Let's be friends ;D


Hi, thank you! I'd love to be friends with you! :D


It's always nice to see new people here! Welcome to the Collective!

ThatGuy70 (Mikey)

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here! Sure it's not as active as it used to be but it's nice to see the newer folks here chatting and all.