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Just my thougts on Klonoa Heroes

Started by HaggisD1, October 05, 2023, 04:20:06 PM

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I just feel/felt the urge to talk about Klonoa Heroes today.
I think that the game starts pretty weak, but it gets better after defeating Guntz

The Water Controls are actually pretty good. Instead of being slow, you are actually faster than on land. During the underwater visions i had a great time.
But in world 2&3 the enemies with yellow healthbars were pissing me really off, because my SP was/were too low.
Finally at the end of Moo's i could deafeat those enemies easily.

But on the Skytemple, the game was taking a downturn...
The World design was boring and the music wasn't good. (Level design was decent) The 2nd vision (the underwater one) looked just like the normal ones, just with the underwater filter attached to it, i think that was pretty lazy :angry: .

But in Volk the game takes a upturn...
The Soundtrack is good and the worlddesign looks really too. I actually was suprised that the 2nd vision had lava in it.

About the Soundtrack...

This game has the same problem like the other GBA games, a lack of soundtrack varity... Eventhough this game features some good tracks from the PS games.
After a while most tracks get anoying, and you don't really want play anymore.  :(

I haven't finished the game yet but so far i was having a great time  :big_smile:

( this was enough for today, i goona continue this one on another day :bad_straight_face: )


Right after i posted this the game had a difficulty spike  :big_smile: .

After unlocking the second special move the game takes an huge upturn, but then after leaving Volk and landing on the moon the game has another difficulty spike and the has another big one on the Lunar base, so big you haveto go back and grind  :sad_face: .

The levels are dragging a little bit too long, but fortunately the enemy variety increases.

But troughout the game all bosses have the same OST (with one exeption), wich is tiresome  :( .

The final bossfight started off strong, but already became lame after the second phase.

The Characters have a arsenal of multiple Weapons too choose from, but you probabbly only going to really use two of those.

Klonoas Sword is by far his best weapon because it deals by far the most damage.

Guntz's arsenal isn't that unbalanced but the machine gun and the flamthrower are obviously the best choice,
while the missile launcher is viable and the bazooka and the "lazer" are garbage.
(In the end he becomes hillariously overpowered  :embarassed: )

Pango sucks, but you have to play him to progress the game.
All his weapons are the same but modified (he only uses bombs...).
I think the quick exploding and the big ones were best.

This game's story is quite engageing...

Overall i think the game is quite good  ;D .

(I have the feeling that i said a lot and at same time nothing  :(  :embarassed: )
