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ka64's art

Started by mushroom32x, August 24, 2013, 12:00:54 PM

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Hey! I thought I'd share some of my Klonoa fanart. I draw Klonoa doodles alot.. I'd say there's at least one Klonoa character in each of my sketchbooks. xD Anyhoo, let's start with a drawing I JUST finished and scanned.
It's every Klonoa enemy (Minus the big versions of them) that appeared in Klonoa 2! Can you see them all?


I would love to see you scan this and color/iink it. This is great!


I might do it but it'd take me a while for sure.. there a lot of critters here. xD But I'm sure it'd be worth it.

Spirit Macardi

I'm so jealous, I'm lucky if I can draw only two characters on one page XD


The drawing has been outlined! Phew.. it was quite alot to do.. but coloring this is gonna be an even bigger task. x_x



I love it. Especially the first picture. It looks like a coloring book. I just wanna color it in!


Your art's improving more and more every time I see it, good job mayte.


Drew this in celebration of Klonoa coming to the Virtual console. =)


That was really good. Now I'm kinda jealous because I can't draw NEARLY as good, or even good period.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.