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Cat Thread

Started by kittenwatermemes, May 19, 2024, 04:50:05 PM

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Quote from: Cobra! on June 23, 2024, 07:14:15 AM
Oh, I forgot this thread existed! :O

Here's my cat. His name is Piccolo. He's a sweet but clingy cat, and has really bad separation anxiety, but I love him. :big_smile:
Yo, that is a cute cat!
Thanks for sharing!

Haha, some of our cats had Separation anxiety, so we know that feeling  :embarassed:

Also, where did the name Piccolo come from? Just curious to know  :)

(also i didnt mention this on the post but Mama Kitty hasn't been feeling good for the last several days. she is really sick. though i'm positive she'll recover)


Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 24, 2024, 05:25:47 PM
Haha, some of our cats had Separation anxiety, so we know that feeling  :embarassed:
Yeah, Piccolo is incredibly clingy. Whenever we are in our rooms and he's just in the hallway or living room by himself, he starts to yowl really loudly, which I've read online means that he's really distressed. Whenever I hear him do that now, I open my door and call him in. That usually does the trick.

Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 24, 2024, 05:25:47 PM
Also, where did the name Piccolo come from? Just curious to know  :)
My brother came up with it when he was 4. He just thought the name sounded cool because it was Italian, like our family is.

The name doesn't seem to be unheard of, though, because one of the families we have in Italy has a dog named Piccolo.


Quote from: Cobra! on June 25, 2024, 06:30:09 PM
Yeah, Piccolo is incredibly clingy. Whenever we are in our rooms and he's just in the hallway or living room by himself, he starts to yowl really loudly, which I've read online means that he's really distressed. Whenever I hear him do that now, I open my door and call him in. That usually does the trick.
Yep, he really does not like being alone.

I bet he's a good cat though!  ;)

Is there any other pets that you own, or is he the only one?

Quote from: Cobra! on June 25, 2024, 06:30:09 PM
My brother came up with it when he was 4. He just thought the name sounded cool because it was Italian, like our family is.

The name doesn't seem to be unheard of, though, because one of the families we have in Italy has a dog named Piccolo.
To be fair, it is a cool name!

The name Piccolo does seem to be known, as searching it brings up a dragon ball character named Piccolo, and some instrument named Piccolo

I honestly have no idea what Piccolo translates to, though some things says it translates to "small"?


Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 25, 2024, 11:43:44 PM
Is there any other pets that you own, or is he the only one?
He's the only one we have left. We had 2 other cats at some point but both got hit by cars and didn't make it. We also had 2 dogs that we had to give away because we were forced to move to a smaller house.

That combined with the fact he was abandoned at birth might explain why he's the way he is.

Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 25, 2024, 11:43:44 PM
I honestly have no idea what Piccolo translates to, though some things says it translates to "small"?

That is correct.


Quote from: Cobra! on June 26, 2024, 04:56:17 PM
He's the only one we have left. We had 2 other cats at some point but both got hit by cars and didn't make it. We also had 2 dogs that we had to give away because we were forced to move to a smaller house.

That combined with the fact he was abandoned at birth might explain why he's the way he is.
Awwh, those poor cats. That's sad  :(
If he was abandoned, then yeah more than likely, that explains his separation anxiety.
Sorry to ask this, but do you have plans of wanting to have more cats?

Quote from: Cobra! on June 26, 2024, 04:56:17 PM
That is correct.
Aha! I guessed it right, and I don't even have any understanding of the Italian language
So, then what would small translate to in Scots? Curious to know


Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 27, 2024, 04:45:22 PM
Awwh, those poor cats. That's sad  :(
Yeah, it was hard hearing the news when it happened even for me.

Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 27, 2024, 04:45:22 PM
If he was abandoned, then yeah more than likely, that explains his separation anxiety.
Sorry to ask this, but do you have plans of wanting to have more cats?
We did try, but Piccolo didn't get along with him. One of the cats who got hit was one of them.
Once Piccolo goes, which hopefully won't be for a very long time, we plan to get 2 to breed.

We took Piccolo to the vet a couple of months ago, and the vet said he was very healthy for his age, so he should have a good long life!

Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 27, 2024, 04:45:22 PM
Aha! I guessed it right, and I don't even have any understanding of the Italian language
So, then what would small translate to in Scots? Curious to know
"Wee", "Peerie" or "Smaw", depending on dialect and context.


Quote from: Cobra! on June 27, 2024, 09:13:20 PM
We did try, but Piccolo didn't get along with him. One of the cats who got hit was one of them.
Yeah, that's how it is sometimes
Some of our cats don't even like each other

Quote from: Cobra! on June 27, 2024, 09:13:20 PM
Once Piccolo goes, which hopefully won't be for a very long time, we plan to get 2 to breed.

We took Piccolo to the vet a couple of months ago, and the vet said he was very healthy for his age, so he should have a good long life!
Ahh, so basically you're planning to have a larger cat family in the future
That is cool!
It's good that he's healthy
Not sure how old Piccolo is, though I do recall knowing that cats can live for a very long time

Quote from: Cobra! on June 27, 2024, 09:13:20 PM
"Wee", "Peerie" or "Smaw", depending on dialect and context.
Hmm, so there's three different kinds of Small in Scots
So then, what would be the context of all three of them?


Quote from: kittenwatermemes on June 28, 2024, 03:32:32 AM
It's good that he's healthy
Not sure how old Piccolo is, though I do recall knowing that cats can live for a very long time
He's 15 in July. He's older than many school kids now, and that's kind of a scary thought.

How old are your cats?


Quote from: Cobra! on June 29, 2024, 10:01:02 PM
He's 15 in July. He's older than many school kids now, and that's kind of a scary thought.
Oh wow! That's one old cat

Quote from: Cobra! on June 29, 2024, 10:01:02 PM
How old are your cats?
In terms of Sarah's age, I believe she might've been a year and a half old when we picked her up in 2017? 
Not exactly sure, but I think she could be around 9 to 10 years old?

For Mama Kitty, not sure but she might be 7 or 8 years old   

Mama Kitty had her first batch in 2019, so Stupid, Miracle, Asian, and Fuzzy are 5 years old 

And then in 2020, Asian had Grumpy and Gray (and floppy ears but that one didn't live very long), so they're 4 years old

Mama Kitty had her second batch around Oct of 2020, so Vader, Sweet and Sour, Triplet, Snuggle Bunny, and Five are also around 4 years old 

Oh yeah, and there was two kittens born around the ending of 2021 named Little bit, and Snow. They were sick when they were born, and didn't live very long. They passed in 2022. It would've had probably cost around $2K to save their lives

And Snuggle Bunny had Maze, Lilith and Angel I think around the ending of 2021? So they're more than likely around 3 years old

Lucky, I could definitely tell he was born this year. Don't know his exact age as of now


And speaking of Lucky, I have some new photos of him to share today

He sure likes to snuggle

Lucky has sadly passed away