...You know what? That post...it's just....no. I honsetly doubt there even ARE traslators out there that could possibly mess posts up THAT BAD. There's so few ways that any string of words like that could be so misconstrued, and...I think I've figured it out:
KlonoaWahooWind2014 isn't using a translator. Or he's trolling us, or...literally using Bad Translator, but he seems too sincere to be doing the latter two.
...Or at the very least, I believe he's using a translator to translate our posts from English to Japanese,, but he isn't using a translator to translate his posts from Japanese to English. He may be using a relatively basic grasp on English in order to try speaking it.
And quite rankly, it isn't working well. Sorry.Please,
@KlonoaWahooWind2014 . PLEASE translate your posts from Japanese to English. At least until your English improves to a point where it can hopefully be translateable.
https://translate.google.com/PLEASE. Do it for us. Do it for YOU.