The rules are simple: The first person who posts wins!
Since I am the first poster, I win by default!

(Yeah...this is a toke jopic. I predict it will be here maybe one hour, two tops.)
EDIT:meh, I guess I'll keep it here. No harm done, or anything.
Rupurudu:"Ain't I a stinker?"
EDIT EDIT EDIT: TECHNICALLY, Nebula's the first poster, because she was the firts one to, congrats! I guess.
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT:Wait a minute...since Rupurudu! "started" the topic, I am officially the first reply...meaning, I'm STILL the first poster, anyway! :P
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT:HE. He was the first one to reply, him, his post, insert masculine adjective here.
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT:I still won, though.