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HD remasters?

Started by Graystripe2000, August 08, 2014, 05:05:19 PM

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It seems Bandai Namco had hinted at HD remasters of Klonoa 1 (Wiimake probably) and an HD remake of Klonoa 2. Unfortunately, all the sources I could find about this are in Spanish.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


I saw that too. It's in Italian, and according to Google Translate Vincentmrl, it's nothing more than a rumor.

Vincentmrl: My name isn't google translate :P

I looked it up on Google Translate before you translated it.


The rumor is spreading quite fast, hope it's something real


Oh no, I don't own a PS4 or an Xbox One.. I hope the remasters are for Wii U if this is true. :x


Quote from: ka64 on August 08, 2014, 06:10:01 PM
Oh no, I don't own a PS4 or an Xbox One.. I hope the remasters are for Wii U if this is true. :x

Same here. Would be a shame if it ended up not being on Wii U (if it is real). That'd be a real pisser to the people who loved Empire of Dreams on the eShop.


Can someone please translate the article in my last post for me? Bing translator isn't translating it.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Klonoa: Namco Bandai thinking about a next-gen version?
Klonoa could return on next-gen consoles with a Remastered version of the first chapter.
August 7, 2014 - David Leoni
Namco Bandai would be thinking the return of Klonoa, character appeared for the first time at the end of the 90s in a wonderful platform for PSOne and then vanished after a decent sequel released in 2001 on PlayStation 2.
On the web it comes to a remastered version of the first episode (released in 1997) to be launched in digital format on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but we can not exclude the production of an entirely new chapter. We are awaiting confirmation or denial by the publisher.


Why does this give me a bad feeling in my stomach?

To be serious, not all video game rumors have been true. Case in point, there was a rumor that Sonic would be playable in Super Mario Galaxy 2, believe it or not. so for now, we should just ignore this, or take it with a grain of salt.


Quote from: Vincentmrl on August 08, 2014, 06:00:18 PM
The rumor is spreading quite fast, hope it's something real

I've only seen it on like two sites, both Italian (not that it makes a difference).


The factor that it's on 2 sites kind of scares me even more.