I was kind of pushed away by the lenghty intoduction. Also, I don't quite like how he is using big words for the sake of using them. You know there's nothing wrong with colorful, vivid vocabulary, but when somebody puts god knows how many big words right after another in a sentence that lacks any merit... it gets pretencious. I berely scratched the surface so far. Got over the introduction. How he wonders about what is consciousness, free will, and him reminiscing of his old mistakes. Things that he used to believe were true, but changed his mind.
Than I started to read The Magicians and it hooked me so hard that I haven't come back to anything else at the moment. It's about mental problems, delusions caused by abuse, and also it is in a way about escapism told via escapism... Ha ha! After all this is a thread about books you are reading at the moment, right?
I definitely need to pick up 1984 by George Orwell. Heard a lot of good things about it, and especially since it is so revelant to todays political situation. I will elaborate my thoughts on that Julian Jaynes book once I read most of it, if not the entire book. I'm pretty sure though that I will read The Magicians before I'll come back to it.