Hi there.
This idea for a topic suddenly came to my mind. There is a lot of people with unusual interests and hobbies here, so I thought this would be an interesting question to ask.
The geekest thing about me would be my interest in fountain pens. How weird is that? None of my peers at the university I attend writes with a fountain pen. At best they use a gel-type ballpoint pen which isn't that bad, but expensive. What I absolutely hate is disposable, cheap ballpoint pens. After just writing 4 pages of notes it makes my hand hurt because you have to press down so hard. With my fountain pens I can write for hours without any discomfort. Not to mention the great selection of different styles available. You can buy a pen that looks just the way you want, and you don't have to empty your wallet. And they make sense economically, contrary to what most people think. There are nice pens costing as little as 20$ (or less) with a converter (it's a thing that let's you use bottled ink), and then you can just buy bottled ink which is dirt cheap in the long run. Yes, it's cheaper than using ballpoint pens, and they don't require pressing down to write. But it's just one of the reasons why I prefer to use them.
I love fountain pens because they have some kind of charm to them. Maybe because it's an old-school item, a tool that is supposed to last for decades unlike those pieces of crap that will end up in the bin sooner than you could say Minnesota. I love the way it's beautiful nib, sometimes stained with ink, gently glides across the surface of paper, leaving a wet line of ink that dries up in front of your eyes. I find it very appealing. In case you haven't noticed already, I like handwriting... a lot.
This video is basically better that p0rn to me: