I'm going to go ahead and not listen to my own advice at all and post while I'm too tired to function properly
Don't worry though I'm putting it in one post instead of a ton of shorter posts to avoid clogging up the dashboard.
But have some puppy kittens, everybody
They are the babies!! Of Klonoa and Guntz!!! Following the idea that Klonoa is whichever sex they identify as... but now with little hybrid babies!!! They're both named after moon goddesses (Diana the Roman goddess, Artemis the Greek goddess, though nowadays it's treated as a gender neutral name) and pretty much everything else about them is written above nwn
I designed these two at least, and I mean
at least a year ago, but now I have grown up designs to go with them
A special thanks to
@Mobotropolis who helped me with Artemis's outfit and who gives me the confidence to post this kind of stuff. Most of the things I draw either never get posted here or instead are posted here with much hesitation and reservation because I'm afraid of backlash, but I really need to learn to chill and just be happy with what I make because it makes me happy and that's what every artist should strive for emotionally.
That being said, I'll probably regret posting this in the morning a lot. Hahahaaaaaaaa