News: The Klonoa Wiimake made a fatal mistake in renaming Joka. It better not happen again.

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I can't decide what I want to do next @_@

Started by Voka~Daemyn, December 28, 2014, 06:19:33 AM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Which of these should I do next? I want to focus on only one for the next couple weeks.

Continue experimenting on what things  I can Mod on the Wii version Klonoa DtP
7 (53.8%)
Finish the Klonoa 2 set for my massive according thread of pictures since I have it partly done atm.
2 (15.4%)
Make various Videos of Klonoa games like my Tribute to Moos videos Omitting Klonoa Heros unless asked to do it anyways or an english patch is out.
0 (0%)
Make a probably pretty long video of Klonoa 2's story combined together sort of like it is a movie. Also possibly in other languages as well.
0 (0%)
Make a probably pretty long video of PS1 Klonoa Door to Phantommiles's story combined together sort of like it is a movie. I can do it in English,Japanese,French. IF you have iso's or links to other language versions pm me please xD.
1 (7.7%)
Make a Video play through of Klonoa Moonlight Museum.
0 (0%)
Make a Video play through of Klonoa Empire of Dreams.
0 (0%)
Make a Video play through of Klonoa 2 Dream Champ Tournament
0 (0%)
Make a Video Play through of Klonoa Beach Volleyball -will use Pal version- I don't know how well I'll be able to play this one but I'll try my best xD
0 (0%)
Make a video play through of Klonoa Heroes Densetsu no Star Medal -It will be in japanese- I'll try my best despite not being able to read much. I probably won't be the best at playing it but my goal is to get the story known.
1 (7.7%)
Make a new screenshots set for Klonoa DtP Wii with no hud since that can be done now.
0 (0%)
A screenshot set of Klonoa Beach Volley Ball?
0 (0%)
A screenshot set of PS1 Klonoa Door to Phantomile with antialising set to ungodly levels xD?
0 (0%)
A screenshot set of one of the GBA Klonoa games or of Moonlight museum.
0 (0%)
Add Various images and on occasion information of enemies bosses and characters for the Klonoa Wiki for the next while probably most of January.
1 (7.7%)
Take a break from makeing things from now till roughly the end of Janurary? "yeah fat chance hahaha I'll probably not last longer than 2 weeks waiting xD"
1 (7.7%)
Make a long play of Klonoa 1 or 2 and put it on this website?
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: January 04, 2015, 06:19:33 AM


I need a direction I have to many ideas and I don't know which one to do next xD. I probably need to take a break but I don't want to stop makeing Klonoa related stuffs  :D.

Any other ideas are welcome if you have any. Also if someone wants to do one of these things in my place feel free too do so I just want these things done or made somehow.

Input is greatly appreciated especially from admins or anyone who has been around on these forums for a loooong time.

In the mean time while this poll is running I'm gonna rest my mind playing dark souls 2 for a few days.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I've been around for only a few days, but I gave my input. I want to see the extents of what can be done with Klonoa Wii
The Crimson Angel of Judecca cometh!


I'd like to see you keep experimenting on Klonoa wii. There's so many things that can be done.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Agreeing with Windbullet here. Who knows? It could become the next Smash Bros., in terms of hacks. It that doesn't get people interested in Klonoa, I don't know what will.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).