News: Untamed Heart: Enough dream stones to run a sleep clinic!

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Finally Avatar

Started by Megahog2014, January 01, 2015, 02:33:18 AM

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Yep I finally finished my avatar (he is a character for a comic I am going to make) so what do you guys think?
I am me.... I do things differently from others.... I may see things in a way others don't.... I might be strange to others eyes... but to myself I am a normal person....


Well, it does look kinda simple, but I do like that you have one now. (And I'll be sure to check out that comic of yours once you've started it.)

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Let me guess.
Earthbound/the Mother series and Megaman, huh?
My favorite animes:

More to come


Wait for it...

The Crimson Angel of Judecca cometh!


Not even close, The working title is named Dream Defenders
It stars a 16 yr old teen along with his friends who fights enemies from the dream dimension who were released from dark prison. He mainly uses powers and weapons from other video game characters (such as using bat to use as the Master Sword from Zelda, Mega Buster from Megaman, and his long distance attacks are his PSI from Earthbound, end etc.). He gets his powers by often dreaming which converts into energy for his gem the Dream Stone. The character also has a twin whom he never met. The one you are seeing is mainly your normal average kid, while the other twin is an agent from a hidden facility that belongs to the peace corps.
I am me.... I do things differently from others.... I may see things in a way others don't.... I might be strange to others eyes... but to myself I am a normal person....