Wreck-it Ralph is an example of a great video-game based movie: while it certainly had its fair share of references, its main focal point were the characters, and how they interacted with each other and the videogame-based world around them. Said references didn't exactly take precidence of the movie: They were just there to enhance the experience.
...This movie, on the other hand, looks like its literally gonna be JUST about the references. (And...kind of dated ones, honestly.) But hey, they have a really good and well-established excuse for it:

How did the aliens get the message? How did they take it the wrong way? Why videogame characters? All this, and so many questions...but hey, who cares? It looks like it's just an excuse plot for, well, "PACMAN IS EVILZ, YOU GUYS!" Obviously the movie itself will address these questions, of course. Can't give away everything in a 2-minute trailer.
I'm not saying this is gonna be a bad movie: Hell, this actually might be good. And that joke with Toru Iwatani is...kinda good, kinda cheesy, I dunno. BUT! I definitely see this movie having some "camp" potential. Like the Super Mario Bros. movie, or The Wizard, or Snakes on a Plane. Just sorta...gives me that "good-bad" vibe.
...Oh, and remember how somebody hacked Sony and found some information on them getting the rights from Nintendo to make a movie that had something to do with Mario?...Well. Donkey Kong. There ya go.
It's entirely possible that I'm bashing this trailer solely because I may have watched too much Nostalgia Critic as of late. I'll probably see this in theaters, regardless.