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Favorite Sonic Character?

Started by Sable-Xeno, April 01, 2015, 12:07:52 AM

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Trix Master

From the games: Either Blaze, Silver, Chip, or Shadow

From the comics: Definitely Alicia Acorn (anti-Sally), 2nd place being Miles Prower (the anti-Tails).
Yes I am magical yogurt. No I am not meant for kids.


Favorite Sonic Character?  :unsure:

Sonic, of course, duh  ;D

Ok, its not just Sonic, there's also Tails, Shadow and E-123 Omega  :embarassed:


Quote from: Randomizer on July 22, 2015, 12:16:41 PM
Favorite Sonic Character?  :unsure:

Sonic, of course, duh  ;D

Ok, its not just Sonic, there's also Tails, Shadow and E-123 Omega  :embarassed:

April 01 at jokes close hmm.

Spirit Macardi

Mine is a tie: Orbot and Cubot.

I love the two of them! They're basically canon versions of Scratch and Grounder XD

As for the actual main cast though, probably Tails. I always enjoyed flying through and exploring the levels as a kid rather than running past them. I also thought he had some of the best lines in the games in Colors through Lost World, which was helped greatly by the fact he was played by Kate Higgins who's a fantastic VA.


Cream the Rabbit and Chao my friends help.

Amy Rose.

Blaze the Cat.

Rouge the Bat.


Tails and Silver have always been favorites of mine (plus they're both INFP like me!) but I also love Mina and Ash Mongoose, they were some of the first comic characters I was exposed to when I was 10 (turning 11, and one of the issues that year even came out on my birthday  :D ) and I immediately liked their designs and character, I sent a bunch of fanart to sonic grams of them as a kid, and one even made it into the fanart section! (Granted it was two or three years after I had drawn it  :embarassed: )


Everyone is aware that this was an April Fools topic, right?


Yeah, I know, but it's still a nice thing to talk about  :embarassed:

Spirit Macardi

As a side note, I've come to like some characters a lot more ever since they switched from the 4Kids voices to the current Studiopolis ones. Silver is far more tolerable now that he's played by Quinton Flynn, and Michelle Ruff has provided the first ever voice for Cream that doesn't make me want to tear my ears off x3