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Kumiko Wantanabe voiced Diddy Kong?

Started by Graystripe2000, April 05, 2015, 07:05:12 PM

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I was watching the Japanese intro to Donkey Kong Country and something struck me. Diddy's voice sounds a lot like Kumiko Wantabe's voice for Klonoa. Did she voice both of them?
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Okay, that opening makes the show even more gloriously insane than it already was.

Thanks to FRAYKER for the signature! :)


You know, nothing for nothing, but I'm fairly certain we glossd over this issue back on the Last Poster Topic. Japanese Diddy DOES sound a lot like Kumiko Watanabe. Not sure if he's voiced by her, though, since the Wiki doesn't credit her for that.

...And before you say anything, yes, I've commited most of those posts to memory. Unfortunately.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


No, Megumi Hayashibara voices Diddy in the Japanese version.


Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
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It's still shocking that Lord Harry of all things had a voice actress that could qualify for Kumiko's voice double.

Yes, you know know that this is Lord Harry.

Thanks to FRAYKER for the signature! :)