I'm not sure if there is already a topic on this, but I thought it would be a good idea to bring up.
Whether critics bash them or gamers despise them, there are games that nobody likes at all. Of course, there are those games that make you feel as if you're the only person who likes them. The games that everyone you talk to claims they're complete garbage but you feel are at least decent to pick up.
So, that's what I want to discuss. What are some games that you like but no one else does?
Everyone is open to their opinions and we all have the right to say them. Getting angry at someone over what they do and don't like is incredibly immature and stupid. Please be respectful to each other.

(Please list the game or games you like, why you like them and why no one else does)
I never understood why people hated Super Paper Mario.
I thought the story was wonderful, the gameplay is fun, and was an overall great game. But nobody else seems to agree.