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Klonoa font ( need everyone's feedback )

Started by Vincentmrl, March 29, 2015, 09:31:38 AM

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Which font style do you prefer?

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
21 (58.3%)
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
15 (41.7%)

Total Members Voted: 36


Hey everyone, I want to make a Klonoa font completely based on the title screen's logos. But I need your feedback on which style I should base myself on (Klonoa or Klonoa 2). Both have subtle but noticeable shape differences and I'm undecided on which one I should base myself. The font could be used in the future to rework the forums logo (replacing that unfitting (imo) font used for "Untamed Heart").

Here's the K done with both styles as a comparison, the finished font will obviously be refined and will have bigger borders etc (warning big image):
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It's spot on.I prefer the first game's font as it just blends well,color wise. Blue and gold don't mesh as well as black and yellow.


There isn't a difference between the two other than color, so it's sort of pointless. Besides every game used that font. A better comparison would be between the standard Klonoa font vs the Wiimake font.


there's some little differences that I noticed and these differences made me make the poll. Klonoa 2's font is rounded while the first game's isn't, DTP's font also has bigger borders in some spots while Klonoa 2's has the borders all of the same width. ( )

I'm too picky about things sometimes



Quote from: Vincentmrl on March 29, 2015, 11:13:52 AM
there's some little differences that I noticed and these differences made me make the poll. Klonoa 2's font is rounded while the first game's isn't, DTP's font also has bigger borders in some spots while Klonoa 2's has the borders all of the same width. ( )

I'm too picky about things sometimes

From the crazy who OCD's everything :y it aint worth it to go so nuts some times へーへーへー.
I like Phantomile the most padupadupadupadupadupadupadupadu.<:
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I choosed Door to Phantomille on the voting, however, there really isn't a big difference. You can use both imo.



The Phantomilian one is sharper whereas the Lunatean one is rounder. Phantomile's looks cleaner, then, I like that  :)


Quote from: Rupurudu! on November 20, 2015, 11:55:42 AM
@Vincentmrl :sleeping:

I'm sleeping indeed, no but for real I don't have enough time to continue working on it right now as I still have to complete the vector file AND also export each single symbol as a .svg to then put everything together in a font editing program (which I'm horrible at) and then it would be done.