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Freedom Planet

Started by mushroom32x, February 25, 2014, 11:20:26 PM

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Thought I'd spread the word of this lovely looking game that's coming soon to Steam. It started out as a Sonic fan game about two years ago but the creator saw it wise to turn it into his own thing so he re-worked it to be a Sonic-esque game instead. It had a successful Kickstarter campaign and was even Greenlit on Steam. It's shaping up to be not just a high speed platform game but a mixture of several games like Mario or Gunstar Heroes. There is also a strong emphasis on combat instead of just hitting your enemies on the head or something. There is a demo containing one playable level right now that anyone can try and the game is currently set to release May 30th. The full game will have 11 stages, 3 characters each with their own exclusive stages and attacks, and 2 additional characters coming soon after the game is released.
The demo can be found here on the official website.. it'll give you a good feeling of what to expect in the full game:
Steam Greenlight page:
Also give a like to their Facebook page if you wanna.. they're almost to 2,000 likes at the time of writing this:

I'm 100% behind this game and can't wait to play it. I don't think I've been this excited to play a game since the last Klonoa game came out.. ouch.


Whoa, I've been watching the DA artist who created the characters for years. Never knew she made a game like this :O

I've found her dragon character familiar too.
Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
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Actually, the game's developer only asked permission to use the characters for this game which she allowed him. But soon after deciding to make this game less "Sonic-like" he modified the characters appearance from hedgehog to a dragon.


This game looks amazing.
Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
Game channel -


I played the demo to this game a month ago, and let me just say that I thought it was well done. Definitely a day one purchase once it's released on Steam.


Should probably mention that the game will now be coming out June 30th.
If anyone wants to get a glimpse at what to expect in the full game then watch this guys video:

Also.. I wanna plug the webcomic adaptation of Freedom Planet I want to begin sometime after the game is released. =D


You're doing a fancomic? Most awesome work ka64!

I'm definitely buying the game once it's out. I really liked the demo.


Freedom Planet Teespring campaign
Argh, forgot to post this several days ago.. the Freedom Planet guys are running a Teespring campaign and it's only got 17 days left. The deal is they have to sell 100 pre-orders for this shirt within the month in order to get them made.. if it doesn't reach 100 then they won't be sold. I placed an order for one and I want it.. and it would really support the devs of this great game. So if anyone is interested please pitch in! (Or spread the word) They're about $20 each. =o


The game comes out in 2-3 hours and counting. It was meant to come out over the weekend but it was delayed to today due to the team learning at the last minute that steam dosen't allow weekend releases. Who's gonna buy it day one?
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Original character the game

Even though they stole most of the NiGHTs logo and ripped off a lot of the Sonic series, it looks like mad fun. Might buy it when I get the time to.