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Greetings, fellow fans!

Started by Tortwag, March 14, 2014, 03:17:56 PM

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Hi fellow Klonoa fans!
I usually go by the name Shell Master Tortwag, for the simple reason that I LOVE reptiles, especially shelled ones. You can call me Tortwag for short though. :)
In any case, I'm glad to FINALLY join an actual growing Klonoa fanbase, it's great to be here. Since my first encounter with Klonoa (which was Dream Tournament on GBA, I later played and finished Door to Phantomile) I couldn't help but find the concept pretty interesting. I've also heard of the Klonoa fan film, are there some info about that? Is this project continuing? I'll be sure to check everything on my tour here.

Due to school work I know I won't be very active compared to other members, so I hope you won't mind.
Currently writing a Klonoa-themed fanfiction called Crusaders of Pugiland! Discover it here:

Also started an art topic for said fanfiction, which you can find right here:


Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
Game channel -


Hello, and welcome to the forums, our 50th member! :D

Good to see someone with love of the GBA games.  AFAIK, the project is continuing albeit a bit slow though, because of having busy lives, but it's still going.

And don't worry if you can't post a lot; it's not like we measure how much of a fan you are by how much you post or anything. ;)



Welcome to the forums Tortwag!


Glad to have you here! I'm happy to see the community grow.
