Hey guys, got something to share
A friend of mine,
@I always try my hardest, is making a skype group for authors to meet other authors, chat, and hang out and all that jazz. I'm making this topic for him since he's a little nervous to ask.
So, add "I always try my hardest" on skype, and he'll tell you the rules, basically just stuff like no flaming, respect others, ect ect. Then he'll add you to the group.
So for any author, whether it be on fanfiction, or real novels, or anything, this is the place for you to go to have a chat with other authors. Even if you're not an author but you're wanting to be one and are looking for advice, this is the place for you. The Authorcade has open arms.
So, spread the word. Post on other forums, tell your friends, see if there's anyone interested in this.
So what do you guys think? Anyone interested here? It'll be lots of fun