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Klonoa's Travels remake

Started by gamr13, May 09, 2016, 05:36:43 PM

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Yo everyone, so I'm creating this post today just looking for responses really.

So, to the point, I'm creating this project on my old fan fiction named "Klonoa's Travels" and I'm looking for people who want to voice act the characters from Klonoa 2, and some bonus characters who have yet to be confirmed, here's a list of characters and who we know has what place.

Klonoa - (Nobody yet)
Lolo   - (Nobody yet)
Leorina - (Nobody yet)
Tat    - (Nobody yet)
Popka  - (Nobody yet)
Characters not from Klonoa:
Toby   - (Gamr13, myself)
James  - (Supersonic1212, close friend of mine)

Whilst we're looking for voice actors, we will allow your own original characters, but we're currently looking into recreating Klonoa's life essentially, and we're hoping to begin from his childhood in his own world, none of this is set in stone, story changes are going to happen.

If you're interested in this project, please don't restrict yourself if you feel your voice might not be fit or good enough, trust me, give it a shot. We really want the Klonoa Collective to come together and work as one on this, meaning you too can help out with what you so desire, if you feel a story element should be changed, don't be afraid to give me a heads up.

Skype: gamr13


You say you're looking for responses. Where, exactly? In this thread? Through PMs? Skype?  :unsure:

Either way, I'd be happy to put my slip in the hat for Voice Acting, though I'm not entirely sure what you want done on that front. :sleeping:
I registered in 2015 as part of a roleplaying game and proceeded to never do anything of importance. Oops?


Anything that needs a deep voice/sadistic laugh is something I can handle - especially if it's a villain XD Aside that, I might be able to voice something less specific, but probably not among the heroes, since most of them are the nicest children in the world (execpt maybe Guntz? Even for him I fear my voice is too grave, but that mihgt just work. Dunno).

For the project itself though, well I have some interest in the idea, but I may be too busy as I am right now to make myself available - that and I need to have a better mic to match with Quicktime's recording function - so, yeah. We'll see ;)
Own original character allowed... Huh. Currently writing a fanfiction too, so that might just happen. I'll keep this topic in mind.
Currently writing a Klonoa-themed fanfiction called Crusaders of Pugiland! Discover it here:

Also started an art topic for said fanfiction, which you can find right here:


Quote from: Dimitri on May 11, 2016, 02:18:05 AM
You say you're looking for responses. Where, exactly? In this thread? Through PMs? Skype?  :unsure:

Either way, I'd be happy to put my slip in the hat for Voice Acting, though I'm not entirely sure what you want done on that front. :sleeping:

Either one is just fine for me, preferably Skype for a one on one and a group chat etc.
It's my first time attempting something like this, so you'll have to excuse that.

I've yet to re-write the script, I plan on getting to work on it with my friend on Saturday.


Quote from: Tortwag on May 11, 2016, 07:29:52 AM
Anything that needs a deep voice/sadistic laugh is something I can handle - especially if it's a villain XD Aside that, I might be able to voice something less specific, but probably not among the heroes, since most of them are the nicest children in the world (execpt maybe Guntz? Even for him I fear my voice is too grave, but that mihgt just work. Dunno).

For the project itself though, well I have some interest in the idea, but I may be too busy as I am right now to make myself available - that and I need to have a better mic to match with Quicktime's recording function - so, yeah. We'll see ;)
Own original character allowed... Huh. Currently writing a fanfiction too, so that might just happen. I'll keep this topic in mind.

Hm, perhaps we could create a side antagonist, maybe that would suit your schedule?
I've never heard anyone use Quicktime to record :P I've only seen people use Audacity.


To be fair, I didn't know QuickTime even HAD a recording function until my art teacher asked for me to record a reading of an English text with it.
...And that was YESTERDAY XD
My voiced sounded perfectly clear after I heard the result, so I thought I'd use both that or Audacity - which I still use anyway. Whichever suits my mic the best, really.

Oh, also. "I've never heard anyone" <--- THAT is a sentence you may think or repeat a lot if I do end up working in this, mostly because I'm eccentric at best, half-crazy at worse  :embarassed:
I mean seriously look at my Avatar.

As for your suggestion, I wouldn't mind that! Being a writer as well, I can guarantee that I can come up with one, but I'll have to make sure of what the story is first. Y'know, to make sure he can fit in the whole thing. As long as he's a recurring guy who appears from time to time, AND as long as you don't mind, I'm fine with the idea :)
Currently writing a Klonoa-themed fanfiction called Crusaders of Pugiland! Discover it here:

Also started an art topic for said fanfiction, which you can find right here:


Quote from: Tortwag on May 11, 2016, 12:20:30 PM
To be fair, I didn't know QuickTime even HAD a recording function until my art teacher asked for me to record a reading of an English text with it.
...And that was YESTERDAY XD
My voiced sounded perfectly clear after I heard the result, so I thought I'd use both that or Audacity - which I still use anyway. Whichever suits my mic the best, really.

Oh, also. "I've never heard anyone" <--- THAT is a sentence you may think or repeat a lot if I do end up working in this, mostly because I'm eccentric at best, half-crazy at worse  :embarassed:
I mean seriously look at my Avatar.

As for your suggestion, I wouldn't mind that! Being a writer as well, I can guarantee that I can come up with one, but I'll have to make sure of what the story is first. Y'know, to make sure he can fit in the whole thing. As long as he's a recurring guy who appears from time to time, AND as long as you don't mind, I'm fine with the idea :)

Hahaha x3

Since you're also a writer, I'd certainly like your input story wise, that is if you're up for it? :3


Of course I'm up for it  ;) since you plan on re-writing the plot on Saturday, just post it here/send via Private Message, and I'll build that character around it.
Currently writing a Klonoa-themed fanfiction called Crusaders of Pugiland! Discover it here:

Also started an art topic for said fanfiction, which you can find right here:


Update: Sorry it's been a while, I have this week full of exams, I had to postpone the writing of this project, but it is still in my mind, and I am determined to get it done!,220x200,075,f,101010:01c5ca27c6.u1.jpg


Ah, you have a week of exams comin' up too. Don't worry about it then, we're in the same boat :3 finish that thing and come back to us at full force, eh?
Currently writing a Klonoa-themed fanfiction called Crusaders of Pugiland! Discover it here:

Also started an art topic for said fanfiction, which you can find right here: