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Bomberman Jetters: Team battle multiplayer fun

Started by Graystripe2000, July 24, 2014, 04:55:08 PM

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I found a video on my camera's SD card of me and my cousin playing Bomberman Jetters Team battle and uploaded it on YouTube. I thought some of you would probably have fun watching it. And before anyone asks, no, I still don't have any subscribers yet.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Me too. I still play this game to this day. It's one of my favorite GameCube games.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.

Spirit Macardi

The only thing I hate is that the English version removes the awesome intro song from the Japanese version.


Quote from: Spirit Macardi on July 24, 2014, 11:31:33 PM
The only thing I hate is that the English version removes the awesome intro song from the Japanese version.
That almost always happens due to legal issues. Project x Zone is a good example too.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.



Quote from: the_darai on July 25, 2014, 04:15:37 PM
Hm, I might have to try it

The game's really worth a buy. Though the critics' reviews of the game kinda annoyed me because:
1.) They criticized the voice acting for "not having emotion" but I can clearly hear emotion in the voice acting (plus if you think THAT'S bad just listen to White Bomber's Japanese voice actor. It make him sound like a GIRL! SOMETHING I CANNOT STAND! :very_angry:). Not only that bust some of them ACCUSED THE VOICE ACTOR OF CHANGING THE CHARACTERS' PERSONALITIES COMPARED TO THE ANIME THE GAME IS BASED ON! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THE WRITERS DO THAT, NOT THE VOICE ACTORS! Plus the game is LOOSELY based on the anime, so why does it matters?
2.) They criticized the game for bieng "unimproved from Bomberman generation". Why did I put that in quotations you may ask? Because have you seen the Japanese release dates for the two? Because: Generation: June 27 2002
Jetters: Dec 19 2002
In other words, the two games were made around the same time. So, you can't expect any improvement out of that.
See what I mean? The critics messed up a good bit. I don't think a lot of them thought outside the box.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Don't know about the game but I like the anime

Dolphin Bomber <3

Spirit Macardi

Well, White Bomber sounded like a girl in Japanese because he was played by a female. Made sense to me though, since he's supposed to be young.

Actually, what's interesting is that though the game shares characters and setting with the anime, it follows the characterizations and canon of the past games. Like having Max be a good guy as well as merely being a Bomberman in fancy armor, rather than being an evil robot.


It's very common to have boys, even teenage ones to be voiced by a female actor in Japan; it's an unspoken rule there.
Culture differences, I guess?

Not having emotions? Maybe it's just the Japanese vocal actor being more experienced than the English one.
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